My Top 10 September Best Articles Compilation
Ok, I lied. It’s 14 actually.
As the weather is getting chilly here, I decided to welcome October by expressing my appreciation and gratitude to all the people who have enriched my reading experience and overall life in this past month.
I have joined Medium at the end of August. During this time I have had the privilege of reading some amazing articles written by the most astounding people!
My intention was not only to share my writing with others but to find a community of like-minded people as well.
Although my niche is Psychology/Mindfulness/Spirituality, I absolutely love venturing out of my comfort zone and deepening my knowledge on many other topics.
Some of the articles I chose to compile this list have been published in August. But since I only properly started my journey here last month, I shall include everything that has made an impact so far.
So, without further due, get cozy, grab a cup of tea or a hot chocolate, and check out the list of my top 14 picks for September:
1.Jason Dice Staggie wrote a wonderful article on long-distance relationships called How the Broken Branches of Chinese Society Helped My Relationship. Of course, you can say I’m biased because I’m the one he’s talking about in the article. But nonetheless, it’s an amazing and emotionally charged read. Jason is masterfully sharing the challenges we had to overcome during this year apart in the hope his experience can benefit others as well. Here’s the link:
2. Harry Hogg’s article, Jeremy the Stylist is absolutely brilliant. A humorous conversation between two characters, Jenny and her stylist, Jeremy. Harry’s writing style is very engaging, to say the least. So if you want to brighten up your day, this article is the best way to do so. Guaranteed, it will put a smile on your face! I’m the living proof of that. Here’s the link:
3. Cameron Sidhe wrote a great article about the importance of having good bedtime routines to achieve a night of restful sleep. The article called Creating Good Bedtime Routines that Encourage Sleep gives great tips to help you improve your sleep quality. As a person who has battled with insomnia for quite a while now, I found them to be very useful. If you’re going through something similar, I recommend you read Cameron’s article. Here’s the link:
4. C.A. Martinez’s writings are astounding, enhancing the reader’s experience to the next level and providing a lot of depth. Whenever I read one of them, I have to pause and take some time for reflection. If you like the authentic introspective writing style, then check out C.A. Here’s the link to one of his latest creative expressions, existence is you, and me:
5. Gema Diez-Mansilla’s article is a deeply honest and heartfelt perspective on how success doesn’t necessarily equate to happiness. She talks about her own experience whilst experiencing the societal equivalent to success and what that made her realize about herself. Since I have been on a journey of reconnecting to my inner child and learning to listen to my intuition more, this article was very insightful. If you are on a similar journey, here’s the link to Gema’s article:
6. Indra Raj Pathak wrote a very beautiful piece How To Set Up Windows In Your Mindroom. It’s about stepping into your power of deciding whether the negative thoughts have a place in your mind or not. The analogy he used is absolutely brilliant: seeing your mind as a room that needs to be aerated by opening the windows and allowing the negative thought to get out of it. If you’d like to go more in-depth, you can find Raj’s article here:
7. Barry Taylor wrote a great article on his kicking experience The Pacific Crest Trail | Part 1. As an explorer and adventurer myself, I found the raw experiences he went through combined with his humoristic approach absolutely mesmerizing. Plus, he’s got a lot of amazing photos from his own archive that makes you feel you’re actually on the hike with him. So, for all my fellow travelers, explorers, and adventures out there, check out Barry’s stories here:
8. Synthia Stark’s article Our Brain Processes Information Differently When Standing Up Versus Lying Down, was definitely insightful. The science behind it is so interesting! I have noticed changes in my awareness and information processing laying down vs standing up. But now that I know the why behind it, it makes all the difference. If you’re interested in exploring more on the brain’s intricate ways of working, here’s the link to Synthia’s article:
9. Martin Vidal’s article How Writing Heals Trauma is very insightful. It talks about how the process of writing can help heal and free our souls. Writing down your deepest feelings on paper is very therapeutic. I have experienced that myself. I feel much lighter after poring my inner deepest feelings on paper. If you want to find out more, here’s the link to Martin’s article:
10. Susan Bostian’s article called A Love Letter From a Boomer to Millennials is a warm, heartfelt read that filled my heart with joy. She talks about the differences between baby boomers and millennials, which I got to realize are not so big after all. In the end, instead of allowing the generational gap to separate us, we should work together towards a common vision for a better world. Here’s Susan article:
11. Trista Signe Ainsworth in What I Love Most About Myself brilliantly talks about taking creative responsibility for your life. This is a concept I have never come across, but as soon as I read it, it made so much sense. Also, the article’s title is very powerful since I have been on a self-love journey for quite a while now. If you’d like to deepen your understanding of it, here’s the link:
12. Dagmar Van Gucht in her article I Read It So You Don’t Have To: The Happiness Advantage synthesized the main ideas of the book The Happiness Advantage very well. The sentence success is a self-fulfilling prophecy really resonated with me. Whether we believe we can achieve something or not, we are right. I am an avid reader, but unfortunately don’t have time to read all the wonderful books out there. Especially on self-development. If you’d like a great 5 minute summary on the book The Happiness Advantage, here’s the link:
13. Daniella Gaskell wrote an exquisite analysis of Zelda Fitzgerald titled The Case For Zelda Fitzgerald As An Artist In Her Own Right. Daniella is offering the reader a whole new perspective on Zelda: a writer in her own right and not just an eccentric American flapper and Scott Fitzgerlad’s wife. As a psychologist, I find this approach very interesting because I believe there is most certainly a link between her suppressed creativity and her mental illness. If you want to check out Daniella’s brilliant and refreshing article on Zelda, you can find it here:
14. IyunOluwa wrote a truly inspiring article called Don’t Admire Silently. I came across it last night and as I was reading it, I realized it had to be on my favorites list for September. This article is very powerful and talks about the impact a genuine heartfelt compliment can have on another. It has happened to me before to appreciate or admire something in others but keep silent. Why? I don’t know to be honest. But I will most certainly not do so from now on. I realized what a difference a kind word can make in someone’s life. And reading this article has confirmed it as well. If you’d like to read Iyun’s inspiring article, here’s the link:
I would love to hear about your September favorites!
Thank you for reading!
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