4 Reasons Why Great Ideas Come To You In The Shower

And how to make the most out of it.

Sorina Raluca Băbău
Clear Yo Mind


Photo by The Creative Exchange on Unsplash

A few days ago I received a phone call in regards to a job interview. The NGO's name on behalf of which they called sounded very familiar but I couldn’t remember where I’ve heard it before. No matter how hard I tried, it just wouldn’t come to me. Later on, that evening, as I turned off my computer and wrapped up my day, I decided to let it go and think about other things. In the end, it wasn’t that important anyway.

Then, as I stepped under the steamy shower, my muscles and mind started to relax. I could feel the tension dissipate. I was finally alone. Just me and the hot running water over my body. And lo and behold…the answer came to me. It was in the form of a mental image. A paper that had that precise NGO’s name on it. It took me a few seconds but then it hit me: one of my students had asked me a few months back to help her draft a funding letter for her work. She worked for that NGO. That exact same NGO. I started laughing in the shower with amazement. What a synchronicity!

This was one of the many times I’ve had an aha moment whilst taking a shower. In fact, I usually look forward to my evening showers because I can be alone with my thoughts. I only became aware of this phenomenon recently. My increased awareness must be due to having started meditating more. I’ve actually already written an article highlighting the benefits of meditation. You can find it here.

According to a study done by Cognitive Scientist, Scott B. Kaufman, 72% of people get creative ideas in the shower. Has it ever happened to you to suddenly have an epiphany whilst taking a bath or a shower? An aha moment? An answer to an ardent question? A creative idea?

If you’re reading this article, I bet it has. And if you are like me and are curious about the intricate reasons behind it, then keep reading.

In an interview for Time, psychologist R. Keith Sawyer talks about a team of NASA scientists who were trying to fix the distorted lenses in the Hubble telescope, which was already in orbit. They just couldn’t figure out how to fit them into the hard-to-reach space inside. The solution actually came to engineer Jim Crocker, whilst taking a shower in a German hotel. He noticed the European-style showerhead mounted on adjustable rods. And realized he could use these rods to mount the Hubble’s little mirrors which could then be extended into the telescope.

“In creativity research, we refer to the three Bs — for the bathtub, the bed and the bus — places where ideas have famously and suddenly emerged. When we take time off from working on a problem, we change what we’re doing and our context, and that can activate different areas of our brain.”

— R. Keith Sawyer

Taking a bath or a shower is similar to being on a bus or lying in bed. What do they all have in common? Well, all three of them are relaxing activities, where you allow your mind to drift off into daydreaming. You take a break from the incessant worldly noise that takes most of your attention. By doing so, the prefrontal cortex relaxes and allows your brain to make new creative connections. Thus, having creative breakthroughs.

Here are 4 reasons why taking a shower sparks creative ideas:

1. It releases dopamine

According to Psychology Today:

“Dopamine is known as the feel-good neurotransmitter — a chemical that ferries information between neurons.”

Showering releases dopamine as well as any other activities that make us feel good and relaxed, such as: listening to music, going for a walk, cooking, knitting. Dopamine is a type of neurotransmitter and plays an important role in how we feel pleasure.

How it works

After taking a shower or a bath, you feel much better than before. And of course, I am not just referring to feeling clean and refreshed. You feel much better because of the dopamine. The feel-good hormone. Being in a good mood allows you to become more receptive to new ideas.

2. You are in a relaxed state of mind

“Why is a relaxed state of mind so important for creative insights? When our minds are at ease–when those alpha waves are rippling through the brain–we’re more likely to direct the spotlight of attention inward, toward that stream of remote associations emanating from the right hemisphere. In contrast, when we are diligently focused, our attention tends to be directed outward, toward the details of the problems we’re trying to solve.”

— Jonah Lehrer

According to Graham Wallas’s stages of the creative process- preparation, incubation, illumination, and verification; the incubation period in psychology refers to the unconscious processing of problems when they are set aside for a period of time. That may lead to insights. And creative ideas. Also known as being in the alpha wave state. The alpha state occurs when your brain wave activity slows down to between 7 and 14 HZ. It is considered a “relaxed” state of mind.

How it works

The alpha state allows you to be more receptive, open to creative ideas, and less judgemental. You are calm and relaxed. You don’t push for ideas to come your way anymore, you simply allow them to enter your field of consciousness.

3. You are distracted

“In other words, a distraction may provide the break you need to disengage from a fixation on the ineffective solution.’’

— Shelly Carson

Alexander Graham Bell believed that true creativity came from a single-minded concentration on the matter at hand and any distraction would only take you further from your goal. But new research has proven that is not the case. The same train of thoughts increases overthinking and blocks the creative stream of ideas. The phenomenon is known as cognitive fixation. Therefore, getting distracted can be a good thing by turning your focus away from the problem.

How it works

You are involved in the bathing process…choosing what shower gel or soap to use, whether the water is too hot or cold. And then there’s that satisfying feeling when you find the right temperature and let the water run down your body. You are distracted by our sensorial perceptions. Taking your mind off your preoccupations even for a few seconds can be of great benefit.

4. You are tired

Another thing that sparks creative ideas depends on what moment of the day we choose to take the shower. Apparently, the best time is either earlier in the morning when we’re still groggy or at night, when we are tired. According to the journal Thinking and Reasoning, that’s our creative peak.

How it works

You can choose what time suits you best, according to your chronotype, and other responsibilities you might have in your life. Just after waking up or before going to be when your mind is not as active anymore. When its incessant chatter is dimmed.


“Showers are a safe place that provide “a dopamine high, relaxed state, and distracted mind”.

— Insider

Taking a shower can lead to new ideas, insights, and creativity.

The main reasons are:

  1. You get a dopamine boost which puts you in a good mood.
  2. You are in a relaxed, alpha state of mind. Less critical and more open to ideas.
  3. You are distracted, thus not fixating on the matter at hand.
  4. You are tired, therefore taking a break from the incessant mind chatter.

Like any other mindful activity, you might not get necessarily get a new insight or a brand new creative idea every time you take a shower. And that’s ok. Don’t force things. And don’t become disappointed thinking you’ve followed every step and you got nothing out of it.

Simply allow it to happen. Relax and enjoy this precious moment you took for yourself!

Thank you for reading!

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Sorina Raluca Băbău
Clear Yo Mind

Clinical Psychologist. Integrative Psychotherapist. Writer. Dreamer. Traveler. Pet lover. Avid reader. Chocolate's biggest fan. Yoga practitioner.